If you are a PSP PHAT owner and just updating to M33 CFW (or already on M33), perhaps u will notice that some of homebrews application is no longer work on M33 CFW (this was not happened when u were on OE-A CFW).
Here is a solution for that: (PHAT onlY)
For 3.71 M33 : Download file version 1 or version 2 !! (just choose one of it)
For 3.80 M33 : Download file HERE!!
For 3.90 M33 : Download file version 1 or version 2 !! (just choose one of it)
02. Connect PSP to PC via USB cable
03. Extrack and Copy "UPDATE" folder to: /PSP/GAME/
It will look like this: /PSP/GAME/UPDATE /[3 files]
04. Download 1.50 Sony Firmware !!
05. After downloaded, rename file to: "150.PBP" (*)
06. Copy "150.PBP" to folder: /PSP/GAME/UPDATE (there are 4 files now) (*)
07. Disconnect PSP
08. Then..go to GAME menu, RUN the program and DONE !!
...almost...next :
When it's done, turn off your PSP Phat (not sleep mode),
then PUSH R button while turning on your PSP to get to Rocovery Mode.
Go to Configuration...change kernel setting to 1.50 KERNEL.
That's IT!!
Function : give back 1.50 kernel on M33 cfw.
Purpose : To enjoy homebrew's application on M33 cfw..such as EMULATOR!!